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Without The Prince 1945

Banbury Cross Players presented Without the Prince by Philip King from 26th to 29th September 1945, their second production. This time the performances were in Banbury town centre at Christ Church Parish Hall in Broad Street (see note below). The play was Produced by The Reverend J. Sholto Douglas and the cast was as follows:

Mary Weatherhead
Robert Weatherhead
Rev. Simon Peters
Ezra Weatherhead
P.C. James Hawkins
Emma Weatherhead
The Stranger
Madeleine Lees
Mrs Peters
Margot McQueen
Ronald Harrison
Nevill Turner
John A Doughty
Herbert Chadwick
Olive I Bunn
Spencer Lester
Peggy Lester
Barbera Stanford


Without a Prince 1a
Without a Prince 1b
Without a Prince 2a
Without a Prince 2b

You can read more about the playwright Philip King on here on Wikipedia.

Note: Christ Church was demolished in 1970. The Parish Hall was renamed Oriel House and converted into flats.

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