2023-2024 Season2024-2025 Season

Our Country’s Good by Timberlake Wertenbaker

Our Country's Good November 24

Timberlake Wertenbaker’s

21 – 23 November 2024

DIRECTOR Chrissie Garrett
Production Manager Jane Shanahan

Tickets are on sale now from
The Mill Arts Centre Box Office

This is a powerful multi-layered play about the novel The Playmaker – the story of those who performed the play The Recruiting Officer. It focusses on rehearsal of the play among convicts and officers in a Botany Bay penal colony in the 1780s. It is sad, tender and painful. But, it is a story of hope and redemption demonstrating people can change. Barriers and stereotypes can fall away, once people get to know each other. Chrissie’s passion for the particular historic period and knowledge of the actual settlement will make for an absorbing creative experience.


As this play has been rescheduled, it has become necessary to have new auditions for several cast members. Others remain from our auditions in November 2023.

Arthur Philip – Andy Parsons
Ralph Clark – Richard Morris
John Wisehammer – Philip Fine
Robbie Ross – Bruce Walton
Ketch – TBC
David Collins – Jem Turner
Sideway – Ian Nutt
Tench – Stephen Rouse
Caesar – Suchit Kulkaini

Harry Brewer – Phil Wintle
Arscott – TBC
Rev Johnson – Andrew Whiffin
William Faddy – TBC
Liz Morden – Hilary Beaton
Mary Brenham – TBC
Duckling – Hannah Ramsden
Dabby – Helen Williams
Meg Long – Janice Lake

Director: Chrissie Garrett
Production Manager: Jane Shanahan
Stage Manager: Amy Crook
Props: Terry Andrews
Lighting: Clare Lester + Mill
Prompt: Maria Holman
Band: Jim Plester, Dave Lovick
Ian Gow, John Wright

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